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How to choose the laminate film size and thickness選擇塑封膜尺寸和厚度
來源:written by New Huguang  作者:新湖光 | New Huguang  發布時間:2023-04-03  點擊數:64




The main specifications of a laminating film are the sheet size & thickness.

Generally, international standard sizes are 2R, A6, A5, A4, A3. Special sizes and thickness can be customized according to different needs.

We can produce from 40mic to 250mic, 80mic with moderate hardness is the most popular thickness for common usage, the thicker the laminating film, the harder it would feel after laminating. 

In terms of size, the laminating film should be 6-10mm larger than the material sizes on each side.

The thickness of the film decides the softness and hardness of the material after laminating; The laminating temperature is also different for different thickness film. 

For example, if we laminate an ordinary 80g paper with a 50mic laminating pouched film, the temperature of the laminator needs to be adjusted at about 110-120°C, it would have a qutie soft feeling after laminating; If we uses a 80mic laminating pouched film, the temperature of the laminator needs to be adjusted at about 120-130°C, it would have a morderate soft feeling after laminating; If we uses a 100mic laminating pouched film, the temperature of the laminator needs to be adjusted at about 130-135°C, it would have a hard feeling after laminating; If we uses a 150mic laminating pouched film, the temperature of the laminator needs to be adjusted at about 150°C, it would have a quite hard feeling after laminating so it usually can be used for cards or menues laminating which has a higher hardness requirements.

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